Guestbook for
Name:Steve Sitko
Where are
you from:
Jackson, Michigan
Comments:I am a 19 year old, I crew for a couple ballon races a year. I really enjoy the website. If anyone ever needs crew contact me. I will travel. I am moving to Pennsylvania in January, but will still travel to balloon events. If anyone would like to just talk about ballooning email me. I am willing to make new friends in the ballooning community. I am looking forward to becoming a pilot.
Do you like SPAM?I hate spam! I don't even know anyone who does except old people.
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?I owned a monkey, he wasn't dead!
August 3, 2000 22:00:34 (GMT Time)

Name:Jon Moss
Where are
you from:
Rock Rapids, Iowa
Comments:Cool, hope to hear from you soon!
Do you like SPAM?Nada
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?sorry
August 3, 2000 20:16:41 (GMT Time)

Name:Chris and Summer
Where are
you from:
Germantown, TN
Comments:We saw this website in balloon life and thought it would be cool to check it out. We have been around balloons for about 16 years. My dad had a Adams poptop but he recently bought a new Lindstrand. we fly a lot around the Memphis area and some out of town races. glad to see others interested in ballooning our age
Do you like SPAM?no
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?no
July 31, 2000 22:12:54 (GMT Time)

Name:Harry B. Eastburn, Jr.
Where are
you from:
Southern New Jersey
Comments:College balloonists is a great way to promote ballooning and promote safe general aviation. How do you recruit your college balloonosts?
Do you like SPAM?No
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?No
July 30, 2000 05:15:21 (GMT Time)

Name:Harry B. Eastburn, Jr.
Where are
you from:
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
July 30, 2000 05:12:47 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:
Norman, Oklahoma
Comments:i want to own a balloon and be a pilot as soon as possible and i want to fly all of the time- this is so good- young balloonists- thanks help help help!i know nothing!
Do you like SPAM?neg
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?just a deadhead named uncle robert
July 30, 2000 01:19:35 (GMT Time)

Name:Karl Streich
Where are
you from:
Napa CA
Comments:Cool site, I will fire back often...
Do you like SPAM?only balloon related
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?yes, he tasted like chicken, and is now stuffed and sitting on my couch
July 28, 2000 17:39:08 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
July 25, 2000 23:22:11 (GMT Time)

Name:Cecily Whitworth
Where are
you from:
Do you like SPAM?only on triangular toast
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?not in the past five years
July 14, 2000 21:44:28 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
University of Augsburg
Comments:Hey you guys! I'm an 24old balloon pilot from the uni of augsburg/bavaria and see right now your homepage! It's a quiet godd idea.. the thing of the college and the balloon..... bye, greetings from Nils
Do you like SPAM?Oh my god.......
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?No, but an ant called stinky
July 10, 2000 19:00:34 (GMT Time)

Name:Chris Liberti
Where are
you from:
Albuquerque, NM
Comments:Fantastic website. It is nice to know there are other younger balloonists out there. If anyone in the Albuquerque (or anywhere else in NM) area would like to get into flying or crewing, please email me. We fly all the time and would love to involve other younger people into the sport. Email me with any interest or questions.
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
July 7, 2000 04:33:54 (GMT Time)

Name:Pat Phillips
Where are
you from:
Pittsburgh, PA
Comments:I saw the article about this website in the July issue of Ballooning. We fly balloons in the Pittsburgh area and we are always looking for crew people that want to have fun and enjoy ballooning. Please email me if anyone is interested. Thanks.
Do you like SPAM?No
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?No
July 7, 2000 02:35:26 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
July 2, 2000 19:21:23 (GMT Time)

Name:Carol Harris
Where are
you from:
Des Moines area
Comments:Shelly, In the article in "Ballooning" there was something about contact person for college balloonists. I am the editor for the newsletter for Balloons Over Iowa & would be willing to be a contact person for the central Iowa area. There is Drake University, Grandview College, ISU, Simpson, DMACC, etc in this immediate area.
Do you like SPAM?No
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?No
June 29, 2000 15:47:25 (GMT Time)

Name:Shawn Ross
Where are
you from:
Hollywood, FL
Comments:My father is a pilot and i crew for him all the time. I really enjoy your site. Please send me more info.
Do you like SPAM?what is spam?????
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?no
June 25, 2000 03:18:49 (GMT Time)

Name:Tim Strand
Where are
you from:
Clinton, NJ
Comments:If any of your NJ area members would like to become involved as chase crew or student pilots, please let me know.
Do you like SPAM?no
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?uh, no
June 22, 2000 15:20:05 (GMT Time)

HomePage:http://check out the links page for ine
Where are
you from:
right here where the best balloons are made.....SIOUX FALLS,SD
Comments:shelly you have done a wonderful job! i hope everyone young and old hepls you out. I am very proud I got to help you out getting this started!
Do you like SPAM?yuck!!!!!!!!
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?yes I loved that little guy!!!!
June 21, 2000 01:41:16 (GMT Time)

Email: ?????
Where are
you from:
my mom
Comments:nice site i want to learn to fly
Do you like SPAM?no
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?yes
June 21, 2000 01:28:32 (GMT Time)

Name:Gene Burnstein
Where are
you from:
Brick, NJ
Comments:I'm a hot air balloon pilot who flies in the Hightstown, NJ area (not far from princeton). I'm willing to mentor those in the area looking to get or stay involved with ballooning (check out my website while you're at it)
Do you like SPAM?Absolutely NOT -- and no mailing list please
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?Ralph but not Chip
June 20, 2000 03:17:10 (GMT Time)

Name:Robert Lieb
Where are
you from:
Lubbock, TX
Comments:I think the College balloonists program is a great idea. I work at Texas Tech University and would like to see if there's enough interest here to start a college balloonist club.
Do you like SPAM?neither kind ;)
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?not to my knowledge
June 19, 2000 19:27:57 (GMT Time)

Name:jay gilson
Where are
you from:
Comments:im looking for someone here in abq to teach me how to fly. i have many balloonatic friends in las cruces and el paso, but it would be much nicer to find someone local who just has alot of fun. i have crewed for a couple of people here in abq, but just didnt 'click' with them, maybe you will have an idea or two. i think the big problem is the age difference so thats why im bothering you, thank you for your time. jay
Do you like SPAM?only fried
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?nope
June 18, 2000 03:57:07 (GMT Time)

Name:Jim Wiles
Where are
you from:
Comments:Looking for a balloon crew.
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
June 17, 2000 13:51:09 (GMT Time)

Name:David Buckingham or
Where are
you from:
Currently, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Comments:I'm a private pilot, 350+ hours. I'd be willing to be a local contact person. I'm close to UNC-CH, Duke, and NCCU.
Do you like SPAM?To eat or read? Neither one really. :-)
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?No, but I had a plastic lobster named Frank at one point.
June 14, 2000 02:35:12 (GMT Time)

Name:Jennifer Mace
Where are
you from:
Indianola, Iowa
Comments:Being from Indianola, I have been involved in crewing since I was 11 years old. 19 now, I am looking for some good information on the best places to start my balloon licence education on the internet. Are there any sites that have the same information as the books do? Also, any more information on college balloonists would be great! FYI: I am a sophomore at the University of Northern Iowa majoring in Leisure Services :-) Thank you for your time.
Do you like SPAM?no
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?sorry....can't say that I have :-(
June 13, 2000 16:03:34 (GMT Time)

Name:Richard Rapp
Where are
you from:
Glendale CA
Comments:This is a great idea, I hope it catches on. I am a balloonist in southern CA and am always in need of additional crew. I'm tired of flying alone and my wife is tired of packing the balloon by herself. Well it's not quite that bad but we would enjoy getting some new people out to fly with us.
Do you like SPAM?no
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?no
June 13, 2000 00:19:39 (GMT Time)

Name:dick and pat gaddis
Where are
you from:
sioux falls
Comments:hey shelly, we love your site. corey sent it to us and we checked it out. You have done a great job. Corey really is proud of you!! He really gets excited when he talks about everything you two have done! Well talk to you the next time you come out to the house.
Do you like SPAM?no
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
June 5, 2000 22:36:48 (GMT Time)

Name:dick and pat gaddis
Where are
you from:
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
June 5, 2000 22:30:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Jon Radowski
Where are
you from:
New Jersey, the armpit of the Northeast
Comments:I don't know you people, but I flew my new balloon (I built it!) for the first time this morning in Vermont. I just wanted to tell someone who might care.
Do you like SPAM?I saw the Boland "SPAM" balloon yesterday.
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?No, and I don't plan on it. But some kid I know named Chip really looks like a monkey!
May 15, 2000 00:57:00 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Auburn, Al
Comments:Do you know of a CHEAP hot air balloon service in Alabama, Gerogia or North Florida that a college student could readily afford? Nice picture above by the way.
Do you like SPAM?can't say I do
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?I sure hope not
May 14, 2000 07:08:50 (GMT Time)

Name:Jeff Gilles
Where are
you from:
Sometimes Albuquerque, Sometimes Africa, among other places
Comments:Just wanted to encourage you to keep up the good work on the web site. I was a junior/college balloonist before there was such a thing. I am 26 and have been ballooning for 22 years. I currently fly professionally for ViewSonic and have over 1000 hrs. It is great to see more young people getting into the sport. Now maybe I won't be the youngest pilot at the races. Keep flying and I hope to meet you some day. Buoyantly, Jeff
Do you like SPAM?only when properly warmed be the pilot light
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?no, his name was Chet
May 13, 2000 17:48:10 (GMT Time)

Name:Mark Harris
HomePage:http://i forgot but i am working on
Where are
you from:
Des Moines (acually a suburb-Urbandale)
Do you like SPAM?I have not tried it in years, but as far as I know, NO
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?Not that I am aware of.
May 11, 2000 06:25:29 (GMT Time)

Name:Ernie Parker
Where are
you from:
Cypress, TX
Comments:(Oops -- the thing transmitted too soon the first time!) Shelly, I'm the editor for the Lone Star Balloon Assn, located in the greater Houston area. I received your flier that you recently sent out. I'll put a note in our next newsletter (to be mailed on 5/25) about your site. --Ernie ("Texas High Rise") Parker
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
May 7, 2000 20:16:28 (GMT Time)

Name:Ernie Parker
Where are
you from:
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
May 7, 2000 20:13:13 (GMT Time)

Name:kennedy nyangira
Where are
you from:
Comments:i want to get trained to fly a balloon and need the cost i am currently residing in indianapolis
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?
May 6, 2000 13:20:10 (GMT Time)

Email:you know it!
HomePage:http://you've seen it
Where are
you from:
Comments:nice site the pics yo have of that blonde guy with glasses are great! the best pics on here!
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?YEAH BUT HE WAS ALIVE AT THAT TIME!
April 30, 2000 22:13:03 (GMT Time)

Name:Shelly Naber
Where are
you from:
Sioux Falls, SD
Comments:I hope that you have enjoyed this web page. If you would like to learn more about college balloonists, please contact me!
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?Of Course, who hasn't?
April 28, 2000 23:41:30 (GMT Time)